$247.00 USD

Website Audit

Get personalised feedback and in-depth audit and analysis of your website to give you the creative direction and guidance you need to see real traction on social media.

Sandra will go through your website with your brand and goals in mind and provide you with a step-by-step strategy and game plan to help you reach your goals. 

In your audit, Sandra will take a structured and focussed approach to analyse the most important areas of your website with your goals in mind. You'll receive a step-by-step strategy and game plan on Asana so you can then focus on changes to transform your website, stand out and convert your leads into sales. 

This Audit is right for you if you've got a niggling feeling that things are not working on your website, but don't know where to start. A website audit gives you fresh clarity and confident about what to do and how to go about it in a sustainable and structured way.

If you've ever thought, “Gosh, I wish I could just have a professional stylist and visual brand strategist take a look at my overall brand presence and tell me what to change …” well, this is it!

Payment Details

  • One payment of US$247 only.
  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from Stripe.


What's Included

  • an audit of your website completely tailored to what your brand needs, your goals or what you may be feeling stuck on. 
  • Get personalised feedback and action tips (delivered via Asana) on all pages of your website, including branding, visuals and content.
  • once you receive your audit recording, Sandra will be available to you for 7 days via email, so that you can reach out if you find yourself lost, confused or stuck on anything related to your website.

What Happens Next?

After you enter your payment details, you'll be sent an email with further information on how to submit your account for audit.

Need help?

Email us: [email protected]

What People Are Saying:

My website audit with Sandra was unbelievably helpful and so eye opening! I love how candid Sandra was about what wasn’t working on my website and how it could be improved to attract the right clients. Everything she said made so much sense and she has inspired me to look at my site from a completely different angle. Sandra doesn’t merely tell you to change something, she explains why she believes the change is necessary. Her approach is thoughtful and it’s clear she knows how to elevate your brand visuals to have the most impact. I can SEE exactly what Sandra was seeing now that she pointed it out. I’m so motivated to start over and already in the process of putting everything she said into play so I can launch my new site!

Mandy, photographer

Sandra’s Audit Session was so helpful! In just twenty minutes she was able to pinpoint and coach me through my website. She helped me reframe the way I was approaching it all together. Now I feel like I can finally move forward with our brand!

Natalie, Designer

Sandra just gets it. She can cut the fluff and get to the core of what you're trying to do and give you clear and concise steps to help you get there. There's a reason why I bring all of my business and strategy conundrums to her so we can sort through them together and I always feel empowered and more clear-headed afterwards.

Michelle, Graphic Designer

Before my audit with Sandra, I wasn't sure how to make my brand more cohesive across my website and social media. Since joining then, I have relaunched my website and have made my Instagram much more cohesive. I'm now finally attracting amazing clients who really value my work! I'm able to create beautiful work for them as well to uplevel their brands! It's a very small investment for the amount of support that you get from Sandra.

Sarah, Photographer

I have been able to grow my brand by targeting the right audience through imagery on Instagram. Retail stores have been reaching out to me to carry my pieces! Working with and learning from Sandra has given me a more stable source of income and cash flow for the business. It's worth the investment so go for it!

France, Textile Designer + Curator