Hey there! I’m Sandra Chau, founder of the School of Visual Branding and creative director. I create high-level imagery for businesses so they can tell their brand story in a strategic way that leads to huge profits.

I’ve been digging into the nitty-gritty of a story and communicating it artfully since I began my stint as a intellectual property lawyer—now? I do that with 1-on-1 consulting, done-for-you visual development and production services and DIY solutions for creative brands.

Yep. I’m one of those women who feel in love with styling and started a side-hustle blog while planning my own wedding—you’ve never heard that one before, right? wink. But after nearly a decade as a lawyer, apprentice freelancing as an event designer sounded like a pretty sweet gig, so I packed up my office and went for it.

With every sprig placement and delicate tear of blooms, it made more sense: the art of styling had bewitched me. 

Combine that with a meticulous attention to detail and discerning eye from my past life, curating visual direction for brands became my story-telling sweet spot.

And with that in mind, I created the School of Visual Branding as a business-focused online school geared towards creative business owners who are ready to uplevel their brands with killer visuals.

Defined visual branding goes far beyond your Instagram grid—it should awaken the very heart of your mission, value, and legacy as a brand.

That’s what I’m here to help you do.


50% Complete

Two Step

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